on the path…Games people play
I got up at 5:17 AM today. I mean wide eyed awake and motivated!
Motivated to beat some of the morning rush hour traffic to Santa Monica.
15-20 miles will take up to 2 hours. So any time cut is helpful. Even if its 20 minutes. Today was good. I was on the 10 freeway at 7AM and in Santa Monica by 8. I planned to pick up my friend at 9:30 (long story). So I had time to walk down Wilshire to Whole Foods and get some breakfast.
Eggs with Spinach, and turkey sausage. 6 Rosemary potatos cut into 1/8’s, and a tiny tiny cinnamon roll. They have very good decaf there too. $8.68.
Small servings. But surprisingly good!
I sat there eating breakfast watching the traffic increase on Willshire. Counting the number of Prius that drove by. I think the reason there is a Prius shortage across the US is because most of them get sent to Santa Monica. Really. Every 6th car is a Prius.
This is my favorite observation lately.
After my unscientifc data gathering. Observed in an unscientific manner,
(margin of error range = + or -37.3679%) I began to reflect on last night’s dinner party instead. A funny game played by the locals. Less fun is to win this game lovingly called:
“Who’s responsible for L.A. traffic?”
It’s played like this. After the meal is served and the good wine is nearing the end. A local, who are very rare, asks everyone at the table how long they’ve been in L.A. .
The person who has been here the shortest amount of time, WINS!.
I won. By about 3 1/2 years.
After the laughter died down, someone commented on the music. An i-pod playing Nik Kershaw, Toad the Wet Sprocket, Duncan Sheik, and Tori Amos in shuffle mode.
All of a sudden it was like a scene out of the “Big Chill” somehow. People having adult dinner with adult conversation and music from their generation providing the soundtrack. Songs I haven’t heard since making mix tapes for my girfriend who spent the first 1/2 of 1994 in London
What happened to the last 12 years, I thought?
The “Big Chill” is a movie, I’m disappointed to say, I dismissed in the past but has grown on me in recent years.
Many reasons for this that I’ll be happy to entertain if questioned about it.
Anybody seen it recently? How does it hold up? A
nyone have a similar moment they’d like to share here?
Thanks for Checking in.
Stephen A. Thomas
December 12th, 2006 at 4:50 am
One of the games I see often is the “how can I brag about my children” games…
I try desperately to avoid playing at all costs.
1. Parent brags on his/her kid in some subtle way.
Johnny started walking when he was 10 months. He’s been a handful walking SO early!
2. Different Parent returns the volley.
I bet so. Susie started talking way before most other kids. Her little chatter SO embarrasses me sometimes!
Nobody ever wins. But there are two ways of losing.
Losing #1: Stretch too far to brag about the kid.
Johnny passes a lot of gas, Dr. Phil said this was a sign that the child is defeating his natural anal tendencies.
Losing #2: Losing the ability to be subtle.
My kid… my kid… my kid would kick your KID’S ASS! My kid is the smartest EVAR!!!
You can tell when somebody loses that everybody in the conversation quickly changes subjects.
December 12th, 2006 at 10:01 am
Davak this is hilarious!
Does this happen before or after the good wine?
Have you seen the bumper sticker that says:
“My skateboarder can kick your Honor Roll Student’s Ass!”
December 12th, 2006 at 7:19 pm
I enjoyed this post. Good information for those of us unfamiliar with CA.