Let’s get metaphysical. (& maybe a little astrological)

Last night on C2C the guest talked about Nostradamos(sp) quatrains, and how important the years of 2007 and 2008 will be. Essentially, he believes what ever path we as individuals, and as the collective conciousness, put forth duriing the next 18-24 months will be set. He said those paths will stay in place until they are fully played out over the next several years. I guess through 2012. He talked a lot about everything else except 2012 now that I think about it.

I examined my own path and noticed tugs of downward energy, getting away from those spaces under the noise and chatter of my mind, & my ego.
Maybe it’s my current employment situation. Maybe I need to go on a long walk in Griffith Park. Hard to say.

What I notice is that it’s a combination of my days seeming to go MUCH faster, mixed in with a little entropy. Like molasses or something. Very similar to watching timelapse photography. You get the jist of it and it’s a powerful image but remains elusive to being tangible. It’s only an image.

So with these kinds of thoughts dominating my day to day gig you can see why it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. Have there been some surreal experiences? VERY! Beyond words surreal. It’s part of the diet of my existence at the moment.

Also, I’m starting to notice pieces of the movie, “The Secret”, showing up in my life which is TRULY amazing. All I can say is, so far, it’s been working in small ways. i.e.

A friend of mine e-mailed me regarding a person I’ve thought about several times over the past few weeks yet had no idea of how to contact. He has her e-mail turns out. The last time she & I spoke was 1988 over a long weekend we were both home from our respective colleges. You know how you promise to stay in touch but of course different things creep up and take precedent. But now, through internet technology, we can catch up, if willing.

more later.

Stephen A. Thomas

One Response to “Let’s get metaphysical. (& maybe a little astrological)”

  1. Jeff Says:

    I’d love to hear more about the surreality, myself. I’m also curious about whose email you got. Know who I thought about the other day? Holly Bridges? I barely knew her at all in HS, and now I’m thinking about her. How weird is that?

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