On The Path…Pictures from Joshua Tree

Here’s some pictures from the Joshua Tree trip.

Joshua Tree Pics

I included the picture at the end because I picked the piece up near ‘Split Rock’, and it reminded me of drum hardware for a cymbal stand. The chance of finding drum hardware out in the desert made me smile. Very “John Cage” sort of thing to happen.

For some reason quicktime plays this acoustic guitar Bach piece for the background music.

Thanks for checking in.

Stephen A. Thomas

3 Responses to “On The Path…Pictures from Joshua Tree”

  1. Linda Says:

    Thanks for including the pictures. I’d love to travel there one day.



  2. Davak Says:

    Here in Mississippi… and loving your pictures. Egads at the facial hair!!!

    Awesome story as always. I hope Bella is soon on the mend.

    Do I need to buy you a damn flickr account so you can explain each of the pictures one by one? I feel like I am missing half the details…

  3. Sathomas Says:


    Ok I’ll do a post explainging the pictures.

    Thanks for the comment Davak

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