on the path…Heidi Klume and mineral water
The vibe is this.
Monday night 10:30pm
My boss and I are waiting for his trusty mac to get us back up and
running with a another batch of cuesheets.
So in the meantime I’m going to start my mineral water review.
My boss is also introducing me to a “non-scripted drama” called
Project Runway pre-recorded on his tivo.
This is not one of the shows we work on, but has potential for guilty pleasure status.
Now you may ask, especially the gentlemen who read this,
Stephen why watch a show about the fashion world?
My reply is simple. Biology my friend.
A supermodel hostess named Heidi Klume.
This is my first experience observing Heidi Klume.
She has a strange accent and my boss informs me she’s German.
The Aryan gene pool had a field day constructing this woman!
She brought immediately to mind, a very descriptive lyric
from the Rolling Stones, “Start Me Up”.
Apart from that she wears really pointy boots and is married to Seal.
I bet they have a great stereo.
So, between the hair-product-laden fashion designers dropping the F bomb left and right;
and Heidi Klume’s decent attempt, to act as demure as a German woman can without kicking you in the face,
I bring you.
Our first contestant is:
Blu Italy
It comes in a really skinny blue bottle for 1.09 / 750ml
My verdict,
Very sharp. kinda salty.
It has a lot of carbonation it. This is what they call the
“natural sparkling” part.
Large bubbles. Almost too much Co2 making the lime taste prickly.
but the least expensive of the 3 and my boss’s 2 year old was taken
by the shiny blue bottle.
I give it:
**1/2 for taste
**** for the cool blue bottle & distracting a two year old at dinner.
*****for price. The least expensive in my taste test.
This water actually went well watching Heidi Klume in her pointy SS boots.
My mind starts to wander.
What does she drink while watching Seal lounge around listening to himself play through an uber stereo?
I could offer Heidi a glass of this tasty water in the elegant blue bottle, & a comfy seat on a futon overlooking a parking lot. Instead of a stereo, I kindly offer free AM radio entertainment in the form of Coast to Coast, broadcast in stunning Mono.
What I really need is some ice cold tap water.
Thanks for checking in & have a good weekend everyone.
Stephen A. Thomas
September 1st, 2006 at 7:39 am
Something about thinking about Heidi Klum and ice cold tap water simultaneously makes me uncomfortable to be at work.
November 7th, 2006 at 9:51 am
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Like what you have to say. Your blog makes good since to me….
November 8th, 2006 at 9:35 am
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Good observation, your ideas are right on….