on the path…false starts

Well, I looked at the blog today and had 6 prefabricated comments from an e-mail address
that was listed as “Buy Viagra”.

Apparently the spammers have found the hazel project.

The past two weeks have been amazing and interesting in ways for my own personal growth but little in the way of ‘off the cuff’ stories.

There have been a couple of posts I started to write and another video but they need work.

I admit I get frustrated easily in such matters.

For instance. The Yom Kippur video that I spent an afternoon getting to work and link properly, only to have a bizarre mishmash of pictures to show for it. A disappointment.

Also the link at the top of the blog that says “contact” takes you somewhere completely different than my e-mail address. My threshold for such things to work properly is low. About 4 hours tops. Then I get frustrated and need to step back. sometimes for a couple of weeks.

I recognize this characteristic within myself as throwing myself out of balance though. I divert my attention to generating ideas instead. The danger here is that I end up with folders of enough creative ideas to fill a filing cabinet but the energy for implementation has actually been spent; all on creating more ideas.

It’s being in the forest.


In order to vote I had to get a CA driver’s liscense. I decided it’s a good idea if I plan to drive too.

It took a total of 4 visits. Spending approximately 45 minutes to 2 hours each time. Listeneing to a computer generated female voice call out line numbers.

“Now Serding. B22 at window 11.”

Yep. She said, ‘Serding!” It took a while to get use to that.

The aesthetic vibe at the DMV is stark. Although the people who work there are very nice and helpful. Probably because they feel safe.

All the DMV employees are separated from the customers by 2 inch thick bullet proof glass.

Except the DMV driver’s test proctor.

She’s separated by 4″ of bullet proof glass.

When all was said and done, the Califronia DMV, was more than happy to let me drive my salvaged VW to the tune of about 500 bucks. (That includes a $25 warning to put the front liscense plate on. I call it a warning because the real ticket price is $66 if they catch you without it a second time.)


I finally did get my CA driver’s liscense on Friday.

I remember the guy taking the picture asked laughingly,

“So you trying to outdo your old liscense picture eh?”

I remember it happening so fast. He snapped it before I had a chace to stand up straight.

Think E.T.’s posture with spongebob’s eyes when they glaze over and get real big before he says, “Reeaally?”

The thing is the people who managed the voting station just shuffled me on through.
I was on the right list and came prepared but they just had me sign without aksing for the liscense. (I had a temporary liscense with proper paper work as of last Tuesday btw.)

As far as voting, I rely on Larry and Dan as my gatekeepers to keep me up to date.
Well Tim too, because he actually studies the book about all the propositions.


Last week I delved into writing some music for kids. It was a lot fun to write this music and bolstered my spirits a great deal. So far I have a fanbase of four 1 to 5 year olds.

The week ahead? My theme for the week ahead is Balance. Balance between the job search & my musical endeavors; as well as balance within: Mind, Body & Spirit.

I’ll keep you posted.

Thanks for checking in.

Stephen A. Thomas

2 Responses to “on the path…false starts”

  1. Larry Says:

    You know kids love E. T. and Spongebob. Maybe your driver’s license picture could be album art when you produce your first CD of kid music. I’m just sayin.

  2. Sathomas Says:


    I think I’ll need to dress up in a yellow sponge costume.

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