Archive for March, 2007

on the air…you tube weirdness

Sunday, March 18th, 2007

Tonight the batteries in my radio went out during C2C (that’s how you know I’m a real fan). I was looking up one hi wonders from the 60’s online and came across a really strange but funny Band called “bubble Puppy”. Their drummer was on you tube so I thought I’d see what else was up there.

The link below is what came up when I typed ‘weirdness’ in the searchfield on you tube. I am still laughing as I write this. I guess it’s borderline frightening, but I just keep on laughing. Gives American Idol a run for the money. Apparently two Korean highschool freshman signed up to do a Karaoke contest.



On the path…a way with words

Wednesday, March 14th, 2007